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Now these are cute Sinners


Towelroad featured an interesting video yesterday. It’s from ‘White Throne Films’ which stars Bobby Blakey, "a High School Pastor with a passion to help young people follow Christ with a love for God and his word" and two kids who reveal they thought they were gay but then found God, and Blakey who’s using them to spread his damaging message that kids can "pray away the gay".

If the video is loading slow or if you want to see it in HD you can watch it on YouTube

"If you don’t accept homosexuality, you’re not in with what’s happening today….In high school classrooms homosexuality is being aggressively promoted." Blakey says. Read on…

I have a feeling there’s more than just praying going on between those lads. Seriously though, you shouldn’t let some intellectually challenged nitwits make you feel guilty about who you are just because they happen to believe in some fairy tale in an old book that also says it’s OK to sell your daughter into slavery, that girls have to marry their rapists and that people who work Sundays need to be killed (and since Blakey says in the video above that he is against throwing out certain bible passages just because they don’t seem “modern” I have to assume he supports these as well).

You are perfectly fine the way you are and when you care more about the personality of someone you love than his or her gender or when you fap over the idea of nibbling on the dick of this cute fella in your class you’re as much a sinner as people who eat sea food. Fuck what other people think, fuck hate. Embrace yourself and live a life that makes you happy, that’s all the responsibility you have. Now go out and be proud, goddammit! :)

Stalking Saturday *36



From Peggy Rajski comes a powerful and disturbing story that handles the concepts of coming out of the closet and suicide with dry humour and pathos.

Sound Sunday *26

I ate all your Candy!


Here’s some cruel, cruel (yet incredibly hilarious) Halloween aftermath. It’s off-topic but I just had to squeeze this one in here ;) Watch the whole thing, the kids at the end are the best!

The older one will be your president someday with some luck, the other one (2+2=5) will be the 1%.

Freaky Friday *44



I’d like to offer you a little clarification about Trap Thursdays: Posts under the Trap Thursday category feature both androgynous & cross dressing people and transgendered people.

In case of the former you should understand the “Trap” in the post title in the classical sense: People who are easily mistaken for their “opposite” gender (I put opposite in quotation marks because the whole purpose of these posts is to show that something like hard-coded genders don’t exist and don’t matter because eventually all that matters is that you think a person is beautiful and if you can’t even tell if someone is a boy or a girl or something in-between… why bothering caring then?)

Transgendered people on the other hand aren’t traps since a transgender boy actually is a boy and a transgender girl is a girl, regardless of the gender they were assigned at birth.

So if you see a transgendered person posted as Trap Thursday this doesn’t mean anyone wants to imply they want to trap someone. In these cases please understand “Trap” as “trapped in the wrong body” (when it’s someone who didn’t have sex reassignment surgery yet or doesn’t want to have it) or “having escaped the trap of a wrong body” (when it’s someone who had sex reassignment surgery). OK? :)

Well, that was that

Stalking Saturday *37

Sporty Sunday *41

Periodical Political Post *78


Queer News

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Model Monday *56

Gun Hill Road


After three years in prison, Enrique returns home to the Bronx to find the world he knew has changed. His wife, Angela, struggles to hide an emotional affair, and his teenage son, Michael, explores a sexual transformation well beyond Enrique’s grasp and understanding.

Unable to accept his child, Enrique clings to his masculine ideals while Angela attempts to hold the family together by protecting Michael. Still under the watchful eye of his parole officer, Enrique must become the father he needs to be or, once again, risk losing his family and freedom. 

Can a father’s fierce love for his family overcome his street-hardened ideas about manhood and end the vicious cycle controlling his life? Writer/director Rashaad Ernesto Green’s first feature film is an intricate portrait of a family divided told with sensitivity, gentle humour, and a deep understanding of the environment that shapes its people.


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Ever Rest

Forbidden Love


Splitting up a pair of potentially homosexual African penguins and pairing them with females might sound anti-gay, but keepers at the Toronto Zoo insist they are simply trying to preserve the species.

Pedro, 10, and Buddy, 20, were brought to the Toronto Zoo this year from Pittsburgh’s National Aviary to “pair-bond” with a couple of eligible females. Instead, the pair bonded with each other. Zookeepers now report seeing the pair snuggling, calling to each other and displaying courtship behaviour (something that’s not unusual for penguins and even resulted in a children’s book that sparked quite some controversy in America in one famous case). This week, the Toronto Zoo says it will be forced to isolate the pair.

“The two girls have been following them; we just have to get the boys interested in looking at them,” said Tom Mason, curator of birds and invertebrates at the Toronto Zoo.

With Pedro & Buddy’s species on the cusp of extinction, Mason insists that the Toronto Zoo cannot afford to let a season go by without passing on the pair’s genes. “If [Pedro and Buddy] weren’t genetically important, then we’d let them do their thing,” Mason said. (more here & here)

But Pedro and Buddy’s separation will only last as long as they can inseminate their respective female partners. While incubating eggs, the two may well be back “side by side.” Once breeding season is up, Pedro and Buddy will “probably” ditch their female partners and reunite, said Bill Rapley, executive director for conservation, education and wildlife at the Toronto Zoo.

Wonderwear Wednesday *11

Foolish Fear of Fapping


The Middle Ages had the Black Death, 1918 had the influenza epidemic. But the scourge sweeping the land at the end of the 19th century? Masturbation.

We’re not exaggerating. According to the medical minds of the time, "No single vice causes so much mental and physical debility… It impairs the intellect, weakens the memory, debases the mind, ruins the nervous system, exhausts the vital power and destroys body, mind and soul." They thought masturbation could result in insanity, impotence, epilepsy and "puny offspring."

You could blame pretty much everything on masturbation as long as you ignored the truth. Sure, the general view on masturbation became a lot more sane, sometimes even to a degree that went a bit too far for some (in the 1970s there were sex education films shown in some schools in countries like Belgium and Sweden that featured teens demonstrating how to masturbate) but even as late as 1994 the U.S. Surgeon General was fired for just saying masturbation was part of human sexuality. By Bill Clinton of all people.

Fortunately (well…) for sufferers, doctors back then had almost as many cures as there were symptoms. John Harvey Kellogg for example (yes, the cornflakes guy) was an advocate of circumcising young boys to curb masturbation and applying phenol (an acid that can cause second and third-degree burns) to a girl’s clitoris. Read more on Cracked: 5 Insane Ways Fear of Masturbation Shaped the Modern World

Gladly most of us are over this….

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Cute Caturday *42

Someone is Excited

Periodical Political Post *79


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